Larry James
June 7, 2010 by admin
Filed under Testimonials
“Lose the Diet lets you start living the joyful life you are meant to have. Kathy Balland will help you get on the right track!”
— LARRY JAMES, author of How to Really Love the One You’re With
Nadja Piatka
June 7, 2010 by admin
Filed under Testimonials
“Once you discover Kathy Balland’s recipe to get control of your weight and health, you’ll never diet again!” — NADJA PIATKA, author, inspirational speaker and founder of Nadja Foods
Marci Shimoff
June 7, 2010 by admin
Filed under Testimonials
“Lose the Diet provides valuable insight that will help you finally achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Stop your dieting, and start reading this book!” -MARCI SHIMOFF #1 New York Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, featured teacher in The Secret
Lynnell Thomas, Phoenix, AZ
June 7, 2010 by admin
Filed under Testimonials
“After reading a lot of this book I was like wow, Kathy is telling people basically the things that I have taught myself in my journey… I decided that I needed a lifestyle change for myself and for my children. I wanted to be able to watch them grow up and be a part of it and not just from the sidelines. I want to be an active part of their lives. Not only have I lost over a hundred pounds, but emotionally I have gained self worth and I have found myself again.”
Janet Minix
June 7, 2010 by admin
Filed under Testimonials
“I’ve lost the diet (haven’t finished the book yet) but I’m down 5 pounds since I saw you simply by connecting with myself.”
Christi H.
June 7, 2010 by admin
Filed under Testimonials
“Living a healthy life is very important, everyone knows that, but knowing and doing are two different things. For me I knew I needed to be better but it took me a long time to find my path to getting there. Three years ago I began a journey that resulted in losing 65 pounds. I went from a size 22, 24 to a size 14 today. I had begun my weight loss journey when I had my first session with Kathy. I am an emotional, stress eater and found my session with Kathy to be very relaxing. It allowed me to work towards my continuing weight loss goals. During our first season and additional discussions I found Kathy to be very knowledgeable about weight loss and the reasons why people over eat. It has been a joy to work with Kathy and gain from her knowledge and experience!
Thanks for everything Kathy”!
Debra R. Williams
June 7, 2010 by admin
Filed under Testimonials
“Like you, I have tried them all: DIETS… until I had met Kathy and realized, was I feeding my body or my emotions?
Re-connecting with myself was a big lesson for me, as Kathy’s book pointed out. She gave me insight into this process, and pounds began to melt away without struggle.
A new way of nurturing my body has been a pleasure and a delight.”
The Book Rack
June 7, 2010 by admin
Filed under Testimonials
“Kathy Balland has produced a book worth the read”
and perhaps worth applying even for those who have issues other than weight. It is an easy read with logical chapters that leads the reader through a consistent process – certainly a step up from the diets she is telling us to chuck out.”
Cindy Posey, Go Workout Mom
June 7, 2010 by admin
Filed under Testimonials
“Lose the Diet is filled with realistic advice,”
and excellent “how to” exercises to begin the process of healing for successful long term weight loss.”
Deb Bailey, Power Women Magazine & Radio Show
June 7, 2010 by admin
Filed under Testimonials
“Lose the Diet is such a must have book.”
Grab this book today for a healthier new you inside and out!