KATY PERRY Loses Weight and Stays in Shape Doing what she Loves
No one can deny that Katy Perry is in great shape. So, how does she do it? By doing what she loves. That includes dancing and performing. It also includes jumping rope.
Kathy was quoted as saying: “When I want to get in shape, I jump rope. It’s rhythmic and it’s so easy and I can listen to music while I do it and I can jump rope for a half an hour straight. It’s really exciting.”
Why do these activities work SO WELL for Katy? Because Katy loves to do them. It’s something she truly enjoys, which makes it fun. When you get some physical activity doing what you love, then you are more likely to do it longer, and you will stick with it.
After all, imagine doing some type of exercise that you do not like. How long will it last? You can train your subconscious mind by getting into the habit of doing it, but it will take at least 21 days to do that – if you can stay with it that long.
But it’s so much more pleasant when it is something that you are PASSIONATE about. So, think of an activity that you would love doing. What is it that makes you happy? Is there some activity that you enjoyed when you were younger? Then choose that activity, and you will most likely stick with it, and the weight loss process will be so much easier.
Good luck, have fun and enjoy getting in shape!